Outer join between two database tables (2024)

Table of Contents
Syntax Description Examples Join Two Database Tables Join Two Database Tables in Catalog and Schema Specify Key for Joining Two Database Tables Join Data Using Left and Right Keys Create Right Join Using Left and Right Keys Limit Number of Rows in Joined Data Preserve Variable Names in Joined Data Filter Rows in Joined Data Input Arguments lefttable — Left table character vector | string scalar righttable — Right table character vector | string scalar Name-Value Arguments LeftCatalog — Left catalog character vector | string scalar RightCatalog — Right catalogcharacter vector | string scalar LeftSchema — Left schema character vector | string scalar RightSchema — Right schema character vector | string scalar Keys — Keys character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array LeftKeys — Left keys character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array RightKeys — Right keys character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array MaxRows — Maximum number of rows to return positive numeric scalar Type — Outer join type 'full' (default) | 'left' | 'right' VariableNamingRule — Variable naming rule "modify" (default) | "preserve" RowFilter — Row filter condition <unconstrained> (default) | matlab.io.RowFilter object Output Arguments data — Joined data table Limitations Version History R2023a: Selectively join data based on filter condition See Also Topics MATLAB Command Americas Europe Asia Pacific References

Outer join between two database tables

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data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable)

data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,Name,Value)



data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable) returns a table resulting from an outer join between the left and right database tables. This function matches rows using all shared columns, or keys, in both database tables. The outer join retains the matched and unmatched rows between the two tables. Executing this function is the equivalent of writing the SQL statement SELECT * FROM lefttable,righttable OUTER JOIN lefttable.key = righttable.key.


data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,Name,Value) uses additional options specified by one or more name-value arguments. For example, specify Keys = "productNumber" to use the productNumber column as a key for joining the two database tables.


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Join Two Database Tables

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import product data from an outer join between two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. The sqlouterjoin function automatically detects the shared column between the tables.

data is a table that contains the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables.

lefttable = 'productTable';righttable = 'suppliers';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable);

Display the first three rows of joined data. The columns from the right table appear to the right of the columns from the left table.

ans = 3×10 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ ______________ _________________ __________ ________________ ______________ 1 4.0035e+05 1001 14 'Building Blocks' 1001 'Wonder Products' 'New York' 'United States' '212 435 1617' 2 4.0031e+05 1002 9 'Painting Set' 1002 'Terrific Toys' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 456 9345' 3 4.01e+05 1009 17 'Slinky' 1009 'Doll's Galore' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 222 2397' 

Close the database connection.


Join Two Database Tables in Catalog and Schema

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import product data from an outer join between two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Specify the database catalog and schema where the tables are stored.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. The sqlouterjoin function automatically detects the shared column between the tables. Specify the toy_store catalog and the dbo schema for both the left and right tables. Use the 'LeftCatalog' and 'LeftSchema' name-value pair arguments for the left table, and the 'RightCatalog' and 'RightSchema' name-value pair arguments for the right table.

data is a table that contains the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables.

lefttable = 'productTable';righttable = 'suppliers';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'LeftCatalog','toy_store', ... 'LeftSchema','dbo','RightCatalog','toy_store','RightSchema','dbo');

Display the first three rows of joined data. The columns from the right table appear to the right of the columns from the left table.

ans = 3×10 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ ______________ _________________ __________ ________________ ______________ 1 4.0035e+05 1001 14 'Building Blocks' 1001 'Wonder Products' 'New York' 'United States' '212 435 1617' 2 4.0031e+05 1002 9 'Painting Set' 1002 'Terrific Toys' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 456 9345' 3 4.01e+05 1009 17 'Slinky' 1009 'Doll's Galore' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 222 2397' 

Close the database connection.


Specify Key for Joining Two Database Tables

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import joined product data from two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Specify the key to use for joining the tables.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. Specify the key, or shared column, between the tables using the 'Keys' name-value pair argument.

data is a table that contains the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables.

lefttable = 'productTable';righttable = 'suppliers';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'Keys','supplierNumber');

Display the first three rows of joined data. The columns from the right table appear to the right of the columns from the left table.

ans = 3×10 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ ______________ _________________ __________ ________________ ______________ 1 4.0035e+05 1001 14 'Building Blocks' 1001 'Wonder Products' 'New York' 'United States' '212 435 1617' 2 4.0031e+05 1002 9 'Painting Set' 1002 'Terrific Toys' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 456 9345' 3 4.01e+05 1009 17 'Slinky' 1009 'Doll's Galore' 'London' 'United Kingdom' '44 222 2397' 

Close the database connection.


Join Data Using Left and Right Keys

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import employee data from an outer join between two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Specify the left and right keys for the join.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables employees and departments.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, employees and departments, to find the managers for particular departments. The employees table is the left table of the join, and the departments table is the right table of the join. Here, the column names of the keys are different. Specify the MANAGER_ID key in the left table using the 'LeftKeys' name-value pair argument. Specify the DEPT_MANAGER_ID key in the right table using the 'RightKeys' name-value pair argument.

data is a table that contains the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables.

lefttable = 'employees';righttable = 'departments';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'LeftKeys','MANAGER_ID', ... 'RightKeys','DEPT_MANAGER_ID');

Display the last three unmatched rows of joined data. Display the last five variables of the joined data.

ans = 3×5 table DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_ID_1 DEPARTMENT_NAME DEPT_MANAGER_ID LOCATION_ID _____________ _______________ _________________ _______________ ___________ NaN 230 'IT Helpdesk' NaN 1700 NaN 40 'Human Resources' 203 2400 NaN 10 'Administration' 200 1700 

Close the database connection.


Create Right Join Using Left and Right Keys

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import joined employee data from two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Create a right join and specify the left and right keys for the join.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables employees and departments.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, employees and departments, to find the managers for particular departments. The employees table is the left table of the join, and the departments table is the right table of the join. Here, the column names of the keys are different. Specify the MANAGER_ID key in the left table using the 'LeftKeys' name-value pair argument. Specify the DEPT_MANAGER_ID key in the right table using the 'RightKeys' name-value pair argument. Create a right join using the 'Type' name-value pair argument.

lefttable = 'employees';righttable = 'departments';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'LeftKeys','MANAGER_ID', ... 'RightKeys','DEPT_MANAGER_ID','Type','right');

data is a table that contains the matched rows from the two tables and the unmatched rows from the right table only.

Display the last three unmatched rows of joined data. Display the last five variables of the joined data.

ans = 3×5 table DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_ID_1 DEPARTMENT_NAME DEPT_MANAGER_ID LOCATION_ID _____________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ___________ NaN 250 'Retail Sales' NaN 1700 NaN 260 'Recruiting' NaN 1700 NaN 270 'Payroll' NaN 1700 

Close the database connection.


Limit Number of Rows in Joined Data

Open Script

Use an ODBC connection to import joined product data from two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Specify the number of rows to return.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. The sqlouterjoin function automatically detects the shared column between the tables. Specify the number of rows to return using the 'MaxRows' name-value pair argument.

lefttable = 'productTable';righttable = 'suppliers';data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'MaxRows',3)
data = 3×10 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ ______________ _____________________________ ___________ _______________ _______________ 7 3.8912e+05 1007 16 'Engine Kit' 1007 'Garvin's Electrical Gizmos' 'Wellesley' 'United States' '617 919 3456' 8 2.1257e+05 1001 5 'Train Set' 1001 'Wonder Products' 'New York' 'United States' '212 435 1617' 9 1.2597e+05 1003 13 'Victorian Doll' 1003 'Wacky Widgets' 'Adelaide' 'Australia' '618 8490 2211'

data is a table that contains three of the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables. The columns from the right table appear to the right of the columns from the left table.

Close the database connection.


Preserve Variable Names in Joined Data

Open Live Script

Import joined product data from two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB® by using an ODBC connection. One of the tables contains a variable name with a non-ASCII character. When importing data, preserve the names of all the variables.

Create an ODBC database connection to an SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank user name and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = "MSSQLServerAuth";conn = database(datasource,"","");

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Add a column to the database table productTable. The column name contains a non-ASCII character.

sqlquery = "ALTER TABLE productTable ADD tamaño varchar(30)"; execute(conn,sqlquery)

Join two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. The sqlouterjoin function automatically detects the shared column between the tables. Specify the number of rows to return using the 'MaxRows' name-value pair argument.

lefttable = 'productTable'; righttable = 'suppliers'; data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'MaxRows',3) 
data=3×11 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription tama_o SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ __________ ______________ _______________________________ _____________ _________________ _________________ 7 3.8912e+05 1007 16 {'Engine Kit' } {0×0 char} 1007 {'Garvin's Electrical Gizmos'} {'Wellesley'} {'United States'} {'617 919 3456' } 8 2.1257e+05 1001 5 {'Train Set' } {0×0 char} 1001 {'Wonder Products' } {'New York' } {'United States'} {'212 435 1617' } 9 1.2597e+05 1003 13 {'Victorian Doll'} {0×0 char} 1003 {'Wacky Widgets' } {'Adelaide' } {'Australia' } {'618 8490 2211'}

data is a table that contains three of the matched rows from the two tables. The sqlouterjoin function converts the name of the new variable into ASCII characters.

Preserve the name of the variable that contains the non-ASCII character by specifying the VariableNamingRule name-value pair argument. Import the data again.

data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'MaxRows',3, ... 'VariableNamingRule',"preserve") 
data=3×11 table productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription tamaño SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ __________________ __________ ______________ _______________________________ _____________ _________________ _________________ 7 3.8912e+05 1007 16 {'Engine Kit' } {0×0 char} 1007 {'Garvin's Electrical Gizmos'} {'Wellesley'} {'United States'} {'617 919 3456' } 8 2.1257e+05 1001 5 {'Train Set' } {0×0 char} 1001 {'Wonder Products' } {'New York' } {'United States'} {'212 435 1617' } 9 1.2597e+05 1003 13 {'Victorian Doll'} {0×0 char} 1003 {'Wacky Widgets' } {'Adelaide' } {'Australia' } {'618 8490 2211'}

The sqlouterjoin function preserves the non-ASCII character in the variable name.

Close the database connection.


Filter Rows in Joined Data

Open Live Script

Use an ODBC connection to import product data from an outer join between two Microsoft® SQL Server® database tables into MATLAB®. Specify the row filter condition to use for joining the tables.

Create an ODBC database connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database with Windows® authentication. Specify a blank username and password. The database contains the tables productTable and suppliers.

datasource = 'MS SQL Server Auth';conn = database(datasource,'','');

Check the database connection. If the Message property is empty, then the connection is successful.

ans = []

Join the two database tables, productTable and suppliers. The productTable table is the left table of the join, and the suppliers table is the right table of the join. The sqlouterjoin function automatically detects the shared column between the tables. The table data contains the matched and unmatched rows from the two tables..

lefttable = "productTable";righttable = "suppliers";data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable);

Display the first five rows of matched data. The columns from the right table appear to the right of the columns from the left table.

 productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ ___________________ ______________ ___________________________ ____________ __________________ ________________ 1 4.0034e+05 1001 14 {'Building Blocks'} 1001 {'Wonder Products' } {'New York'} {'United States' } {'212 435 1617'} 2 4.0031e+05 1002 9 {'Painting Set' } 1002 {'Terrific Toys' } {'London' } {'United Kingdom'} {'44 456 9345' } 3 4.01e+05 1009 17 {'Slinky' } 1009 {'Doll's Galore' } {'London' } {'United Kingdom'} {'44 222 2397' } 4 4.0034e+05 1008 21 {'Space Cruiser' } 1008 {'The Great Train Company'} {'Nashua' } {'United States' } {'403 121 3478'} 5 4.0046e+05 1005 3 {'Tin Soldier' } 1005 {'Custers Tin Soldiers' } {'Boston' } {'United States' } {'617 939 1234'}

Join the same tables, but this time use a row filter. The filter condition is that unitCost must be less than 15. Again, display the first five rows of matched data.

rf = rowfilter("unitCost");rf = rf.unitCost < 15;data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,"RowFilter",rf);head(data,5)
 productNumber stockNumber supplierNumber unitCost productDescription SupplierNumber SupplierName City Country FaxNumber _____________ ___________ ______________ ________ ___________________ ______________ ________________________ ____________ __________________ ________________ 1 4.0034e+05 1001 14 {'Building Blocks'} 1001 {'Wonder Products' } {'New York'} {'United States' } {'212 435 1617'} 2 4.0031e+05 1002 9 {'Painting Set' } 1002 {'Terrific Toys' } {'London' } {'United Kingdom'} {'44 456 9345' } 5 4.0046e+05 1005 3 {'Tin Soldier' } 1005 {'Custers Tin Soldiers'} {'Boston' } {'United States' } {'617 939 1234'} 6 4.0088e+05 1004 8 {'Sail Boat' } 1004 {'Incredible Machines' } {'Dublin' } {'Ireland' } {'01 222 3456' } 8 2.1257e+05 1001 5 {'Train Set' } 1001 {'Wonder Products' } {'New York'} {'United States' } {'212 435 1617'}

Input Arguments

collapse all

lefttableLeft table
character vector | string scalar

Left table, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Specify the name of the database table on the left side of the join.

Example: 'inventoryTable'

Data Types: char | string

righttableRight table
character vector | string scalar

Right table, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Specify the name of the database table on the right side of the join.

Example: 'productTable'

Data Types: char | string

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: data = sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,'Type','left','MaxRows',5) performs an outer left join between left and right tables and returns five rows of the joined data.

LeftCatalogLeft catalog
character vector | string scalar

Left catalog, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'LeftCatalog' and a character vector or string scalar. Specify the database catalog name where the left table of the join is stored.

Example: 'LeftCatalog','toy_store'

Data Types: char | string

RightCatalogRight catalog
character vector | string scalar

Right catalog, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RightCatalog' and a character vector or string scalar. Specify the database catalog name where the right table of the join is stored.

Example: 'RightCatalog','toy_store'

Data Types: char | string

LeftSchemaLeft schema
character vector | string scalar

Left schema, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'LeftSchema' and a character vector or string scalar. Specify the database schema name where the left table of the join is stored.

Example: 'LeftSchema','dbo'

Data Types: char | string

RightSchemaRight schema
character vector | string scalar

Right schema, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RightSchema' and a character vector or string scalar. Specify the database schema name where the right table of the join is stored.

Example: 'RightSchema','dbo'

Data Types: char | string

character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Keys, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Keys' and a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string array. Specify a character vector or string scalar to indicate one key. For multiple keys, specify a cell array of character vectors or a string array. Use this name-value pair argument to identify the shared keys (columns) between the two tables to join.

You cannot use this name-value pair argument with the 'LeftKeys' and 'RightKeys' name-value pair arguments.

Example: 'Keys','MANAGER_ID'

Data Types: char | string | cell

LeftKeysLeft keys
character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Left keys, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'LeftKeys' and a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string array. Specify a character vector or string scalar to indicate one key. For multiple keys, specify a cell array of character vectors or a string array. This name-value pair argument identifies the keys in the left table for the join to the right table.

Use this name-value pair argument with the 'RightKeys' name-value pair argument. Both arguments must specify the same number of keys. The sqlouterjoin function pairs the values of the keys based on their order.

Example: 'LeftKeys',["productNumber" "Price"],'RightKeys',["productNumber" "Price"]

Data Types: char | string | cell

RightKeysRight keys
character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Right keys, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RightKeys' and a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string array. Specify a character vector or string scalar to indicate one key. For multiple keys, specify a cell array of character vectors or a string array. This name-value pair argument identifies the keys in the right table for the join to the left table.

Use this name-value pair argument with the 'LeftKeys' name-value pair argument. Both arguments must specify the same number of keys. The sqlouterjoin function pairs the values of the keys based on their order.

Example: 'LeftKeys',["productIdentifier" "Cost"],'RightKeys',["productNumber" "Price"]

Data Types: char | string | cell

MaxRowsMaximum number of rows to return
positive numeric scalar

Maximum number of rows to return, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'MaxRows' and a positive numeric scalar. By default, the sqlouterjoin function returns all rows from the executed SQL query. Use this name-value pair argument to limit the number of rows imported into MATLAB®.

Example: 'MaxRows',10

Data Types: double

TypeOuter join type
'full' (default) | 'left' | 'right'

Outer join type, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Type' and one of these values:

  • 'full' — A full join retrieves records that have matching values in the selected column of both tables, and unmatched records from both the left and right tables.

  • 'left' — A left join retrieves records that have matching values in the selected column of both tables, and unmatched records from the left table only.

  • 'right' — A right join retrieves records that have matching values in the selected column of both tables, and unmatched records from the right table only.

You can specify these values as a character vector or string scalar.

Not all databases support all join types. For an unsupported database, you must use the sqlread function to import data from both tables into MATLAB. Then, use the outerjoin function to join tables in the MATLAB workspace.

Example: 'Type','left'

VariableNamingRuleVariable naming rule
"modify" (default) | "preserve"

Variable naming rule, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'VariableNamingRule' and one of these values:

  • "modify" — Remove non-ASCII characters from variable names when the sqlouterjoin function imports data.

  • "preserve" — Preserve most variable names when the sqlouterjoin function imports data. For details, see the Limitations section.

Example: 'VariableNamingRule',"modify"

Data Types: string

RowFilterRow filter condition
<unconstrained> (default) | matlab.io.RowFilter object

Row filter condition, specified as a matlab.io.RowFilter object.

Example: rf = rowfilter("productnumber"); rf = rf.productnumber <= 5; sqlouterjoin(conn,lefttable,righttable,"RowFilter",rf)

Output Arguments

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data — Joined data

Joined data, returned as a table that contains rows matched by keys in the left and right database tables and the retained unmatched rows. data also contains a variable for each column in the left and right tables.

By default, the variable data types are double for columns that have numeric data types in the database table. For any text, date, time, or timestamp data types in the database table, the variable data type is a cell array of character vectors by default.

If the column names are shared between the joined database tables and have the same case, then the outerjoin function adds a unique suffix to the corresponding variable names in data.

The variables in data that correspond to columns in the left table contain NULL values when no matched rows exist in the right database table. Similarly, the variables that correspond to columns in the right table contain NULL values when no matched rows exist in the left database table.


The name-value argument VariableNamingRule has these limitations:

  • The sqlouterjoin function returns an error if you specify the VariableNamingRule name-value argument with the SQLImportOptions object opts.

  • When the VariableNamingRule name-value argument is set to the value "modify":

    • The variable names Properties, RowNames, and VariableNames are reserved identifiers for the table data type.

    • The length of each variable name must be less than the number returned by namelengthmax.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

expand all

You can use the RowFilter when joining data from database tables.

See Also

sqlfind | sqlread | sqlinnerjoin | database | close


  • Join Tables Using Command Line
  • Importing Data Common Errors

MATLAB Command

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Outer join between two database tables (2024)


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